GEN 2  Tables and Codes


AAmberAAA(or AAB, AAC...etc., in sequence) Amended meteorological message (message type designator)
A/AAir-to-airAADAssigned altitude deviation
AAIMAircraft autonomous integrity monitoringAALAbove aerodrome level
ABMAbeamABNAerodrome beacon
ACAltocumulusACARSAircraft communication addressing and reporting system
ACASAirborne collision avoidance system
ACCArea control centre or area controlACCIDNotification of an aircraft accident
ACLAltimeter check locationACNAircraft classification number
ACPAcceptance (message type designator)ACPTAccept or accepted
ACTActive or activated or activityADAerodrome
ADAAdvisory areaADDNAddition or additional
ADFAutomatic direction findingADIZ(to be pronounced "AY-DIZ") Air defense identification zone
ADRAdvisory routeADSAutomatic dependent surveillance
ADSUAutomatic dependent surveillance unitADVSAdvisory service
ADZAdviseAESAircraft earth station
AFILFlight plan filed in the airAFISAerodrome flight information service
AFMYes or affirm or affirmative or that is correctAFSAeronautical fixed service
AFTAfter... (time or place)AFTNAeronautical fixed telecommunication network
AGAAerodromes, air routes and ground aidsAGLAbove ground level
AGNAgainAICAeronautical information circular
AIDCAir traffic services interfacility data communications
AIPAeronautical information publicationAIRACAeronautical Information regulation and control
AIRMETInformation concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations
AISAeronautical information services
ALAAlighting areaALERFAAlert phase
ALRAlerting (message type designator)ALRSAlerting service
ALSApproach lighting systemALTAltitude
ALTNAlternate or alternating (light alternates in colour)ALTNAlternate (aerodrome)
AMAArea minimum altitudeAMDAmendment (amend, amended) (used to indicate amended meteorological message; message type designator)
AMDTAmendment (AIP amendment)AMSAeronautical mobile service
AMSLAbove mean sea levelAMSSAeronautical mobile satellite service
ANC...Aeronautical chart - 1:500.000 (followed by name/title)ANCSAeronautical navigation chart - small scale (followed by name/title and scale)
AOCAerodrome obstacle chartAPAirport
APAPIAbbreviated precision approach path indicator
APCHApproachAPDCAircraft parking/docking chart
APNApronAPPApproach control office or approach control or approach control service
APRXApproximate or approximatelyAPSGAfter passing
APVApprove (approved, approval)ARCArea chart
ARFORArea forecast (in aeronautical meteorological code)
ARNGArrangeAROAir traffic services reporting office
ARPAerodrome reference pointARPAir-report (message type designator)
ARQAutomatic error correctionARRArrive or arrival
ARRArrival (message type designator)ARSTArresting (specify (part of) aircraft arresting equipment)
ASCAscend to or ascending toASAPAs soon as possible
ASCAscend or ascending toASDAAccelerate stop distance available
ASEAltimetry system errorASHTAMSpecial series of NOTAM notifying, by means of a specific format, change in activity of a volcano, a volcanic eruption
and/or volcanic ash cloud that is of significance to aircraft operations
ASPEEDGAirspeed gainASPEEDLAirspeed loss
ASPHAsphaltAT...At (followed by time at which weather change is forecast to occur)
ATAActual time of arrival
ATCAir traffic control (in general)ATDActual time of departure
ATFMAir traffic flow managementATISAutomatic terminal information service
ATMAir traffic managementATNAeronautical telecommunication network
ATPAt... (time or place)ATSAir traffic services
AT-VASISAbbreviated T visual approach slope indicator systemATZAerodrome traffic zone
AUGAugustAUTHAuthorized or authorization AUW All up weight
AUXAuxiliaryAVBLAvailable or availability
AVGAverageAVGASAviation gasoline
AWTAAdvise at what time able AWY AirwayAZMAzimuth
BABraking action BARO-
Barometric vertical navigation BASE Cloud base
BCFGFog patchesBCNBeacon (aeronautical ground light) BCST Broadcast
BDRYBoundary BECMG Becoming BFR BeforeBKNBroken
BL...Blowing (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow)BLDGBuilding
BLOBelow cloudsBLWBelow...
BRFShort (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required)BRGBearing
BRKGBrakingBSCommercial broadcasting station
BTLBetween layersBTNBetween
CCenter (runway identification)
CDegrees celsius (centigrade)CATCategory
CATClear air turbulenceCAVOK(to be pronounced "KAV-OH-KAY") Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions
CB(to be pronounced "CEE BEE") CumulonimbusCCCirrocumulus
CCA(or CCB, x:td ...etc., in sequence) Corrected meteorological message (mes- sage type designator)CDCandela
CDNCo-ordination (message type designator) CF Change frequency to...CFMConfirm
CGLCircling guidance light(s)CHChannel
CHGModification (message type designator) CI CirrusCIDINCommon ICAO data interchange network CIT Near or over large towns
CLCentre lineCLAClear type of ice formation
CLBRCalibrationDETRESFADistress phase
DEVAbbreviated T visual approach slope indi- cator systemCLDCloud
CLGCallingCLRClear(s) or cleared to... or clearance
CLRDRunway(s) clearedCLSDClosed or close or closing
CMCentimetreCMBClimb to or climbing to
CMPLCompletion or completed or completeCNLCancel or canceled
CNLFlight plan cancellation (message type designator)
CNSCommunications, navigation and surveillance
CONSTConstruction or constructedCONTContinue(s) or continued
COORCo-ordinationCOPChange-over point
CORCorrect or correction or corrected (used to indicate corrected meteorological message; (message type designator)
COTAt the coast
COVCover or covered or coveringCPDLCController-pilot data link communications
CPLCurrent flight plan (message type designator)
CRCCyclic redundancy checkCRMCollision risk model
CTAControl areaCTAMClimb to and maintain
CTNCautionCTRControl zone
CUSTCustomsCVRCockpit voice recorder
CWContinuous waveCWYClearway
DDanger area (followed by identification)
DDownward (tendency in RVR during previous 10 minutes)
DADecision altitudeD-ATISData link automatic terminal information service
DCDDouble channel duplex
DCKGDockingDCPDatum crossing point
DCPCDirect controller-pilot communicationsDCSDouble channel simplex
DCTDirect (in relation to flight plan clearances and type of approach)
DEPDeparture or departDEPDeparture (message type designator)
DERDeparture end of the runwayDESDescend to or descending to
DESTDestinationDFDirection finding
DFDRDigital flight data recorderDFTIDistance from touchdown indicator
DGCAM*Directorate General of Civil Aviation and Meteorology
DHDecision heightDIFDiffuse
DISTDistanceDIVDivert or diverting
DLADelay (message type designator)DLADelay or delayed
DMEDistance measuring equipmentDNGDanger or dangerous
DOMDomesticDPDew point temperature
DPTDepthDRDead reckoning
DRLow drifting (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow)
DSBDouble sidebandDTAMDescend to and maintain
DTGDate-time groupDTRTDeteriorate or deteriorating
DTWDual tandem wheelsDUDust (widespread)
DUCDense upper cloudDURDuration
DVORDoppler VORDWDual wheels
EEast or eastern longitudeEATExpected approach time
EBEastboundECOWASEconomic community of west african states
EDAElevation differential area
EETEstimated elapsed timeEFCExpect further clearance
EHFExtremely high frequency (30 000 to 300 000 MHZ)
ELBAEmergency location beacon - aircraftELEVElevation
ELRExtra long rangeELTEmergency locator transmitter
EMEmissionEMBDEmbedded in layer (to indicate cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds)
ENDStop-end (related to RVR)ENEEast north east
ENGEngineENREn route
ENRCEnroute chartEOBTEstimated off-block time
EQPTEquipmentERHere... or herewith
ESEEast south eastESTEstimate or estimated or estimate (message type designator)
ETDEstimated time of departure or estimating departure
ETAEstimated time of arrival or estimating arrivalETOEstimated time over significant point
EXERExercises or exercising or to exerciseEXPExpect or expected or expecting
EXTDExtend or extending
FFixedFACourse from a fix to an altitude
FACFacilitiesFAFFinal approach fix
FALFacilitation of international air transportFAPFinal approach point
FASFinal approach segmentFATOFinal approach and take-off area
FAXFacsimile transmissionFBLLight (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, interference or static reports, e.g. FBL RA = light rain)
FCFunnel cloud (tornado or waterspout)FDPSFlight data processing system
FCSTForecastFCTFriction coefficient
FICFlight information centreFIRFlight information region
FISFlight information serviceFISAAutomated flight information service
FLFlight levelFLDField
FLTFlightFLTCKFlight check
FLUCFluctuating or fluctuation or fluctuatedFLWFollow(s) or following
FLYFly or flyingFMFrom
FM...From (followed by time weather change is forecasted to begin)
FMCFlight management computerFMSFlight management system
FMUFlow management unitFNAFinal approach
FPAPFlight path alignment pointFPLFiled flight plan (message type designator)
FPMFeet per minuteFPRFlight plan route
FRFuel remainingFREQFrequency
FRONTFront (relating to weather)FRQFrequent
FSLFull stop landingFSSFlight service station
FSTFirstFTFeet (dimensional unit)
FTEFlight technical errorFTPFictitious threshold point
FTTFlight technical toleranceFUSmoke
FZFreezingFZDZFreezing drizzle
FZFGFreezing fogFZRAFreezing rain
G/AGround-to-airG/A/GGround-to-air and air-to-ground
GALLImperial gallons
GCAA*Gambia civil aviation authorityGCAGround controlled approach system or ground controlled approach
GENGeneralGEOGeographic or true
GESGround earth stationGLDGlider
GNDGround GNDCK Ground checkGNSSGlobal navigation satellite system GP Glide path
GRHailGRASSGrass landing area
GRIDProcessed meteorological data in the form of grid point values (in aeronautical meteorological code)GRVLGravel
GSGround speedGSSmall hail and/or snow pellets
HHigh pressure areaHAPIHelicopter approach path indicator
H24Continuous day and night serviceHDGHeading
HBNHazard beaconHGTHeight or height above
HDFHigh frequency direction-finding stationHELHelicopter
HFHigh frequency (3 000 to 30 000 KHz)HJSunrise to sunset
HLDGHolding HM
Holding/racetrack to a manual termination
Sunset to sunrise
HOService available to meet operational requirementsHOLHoliday
HOSPHospital aircraftHPAHectopascal
HSService available during hours of sched- uled operationsHURCNHurricane
HVDFHigh and very high frequency direction- finding stations (at the same location)HVYHeavy
HVYHeavy (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, e.g. HVY RA=heavy rain)HXNo specific working hours
IACInstrument approach chartIAFInitial approach fix
IAOIn and out of cloudsIAPInstrument approach procedure
IARIntersection of air routesIASIndicated air speed
IBNIdentification beaconICIce crystals (very small in suspension also known as diamond dust)
IDIdentifier or identifyIDENTIdentification
IFIntermediate approach fixIFFIdentification friend/foe
IFRInstrument flight rulesIGAInternational general aviation
ILSInstrument landing systemIMInner marker
IMCInstrument meteorological conditionsIMGImmigration
IMPRImprove or improvingIMTImmediate or immediately
INAInitial approachINBDInbound
INCIn cloudINCERFAUncertainty phase
INPIf not possibleINPRIn progress
INSInches (dimensional unit)INSInertial navigation system
INSTLInstall or installed or installationINSTRInstrument
INTRGInterrogatorINTRPInterrupt or interruption or interrupted
INTSFIntensify or intensifyingINTSTIntensity
IRIce on runwayISAInternational standard atmosphere
ISBIndependent sidebandISOLIsolated
I/VInstrument / visual
JANJanuaryJTSTJet stream
KMHKilometres per hourKPAKilopascal
LLeft (runway identification)
LLocator (see LM, LO)
LAMLogical acknowledgement (message type designator)LANInland
LATLatitudeLCALocal or locally or location or located
LDALanding distance availableLDAHLanding distance available, helicopter
LDGLandingLDILanding direction indicator
LENLengthLFLow frequency (30 to 300 KHz)
LGTLight or lightingMOCMinimum obstacle clearance (required)
LIHLight intensity highLILLight intensity low
LIMLight intensity mediumLLZLocalizer
LMLocator, middleLMTLocal mean time
LNGLong (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required)
LOLocator, outerLOCLocal or locally or location or located
LONGLongitudeLORANLORAN (long range air navigation system)
LRGLong rangeLSQLine squall
LTDLimitedLTTLandline teletypewriter
LVLight and variable (relating to wind)LVELeave or leaving
LVLLevelLVPLow visibility procedures
LYRLayer or layered
MMach number, followed by figuresmMeters (am.spelling), preceded by figures
MAAMaximum authorized altitudeMAGMagnetic
MAINTMaintenanceMAPAeronautical maps and charts
MAPTMissed approach pointMARAt sea
MARMarchMASManual A1 simplex
MATFMissed approach turning fixMAXMaximum
MCAMinimum crossing altitudeMCWModulated continuous wave
MDAMinimum descent altitudeMDFMedium frequency direction-finding station
MDHMinimum descent heightMEAMinimum en-route altitude
MEHTMinimum eye height above threshold (for visual approach slope indicator systems)
METMeteorology or meteorologicalMETARAviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)
MFMedium frequency (300 to 3 000 KHz)
MHDFMedium and high frequency direction-finding stations (at the same location)
MHVDFMedium, high and very high frequency direction-finding stations (at the same location)
MIDMid-point (related to RVR)MIFGShallow fog
MKRMarker radio beaconMLSMicrowave landing system
MMMiddle markerMNMMinimum
MNPSMinimum navigation performance specifications
MNTMonitor or monitoring or monitoredMNTNMaintain
MOAMilitary operating areaPTNProcedure turn
MODModerate (used to indicate the intensity of weather phenomena, interference or static reports, e.g. MOD RA=moderate rain)MONMonday
MONAbove mountainsMOTNEMeteorological operational telecommunications network europe
MOVMove or moving or movementMPSMetres per second
MRAMinimum reception altitudeMRGMedium range
MRPATS/MET reporting pointMSMinus
MSAMinimum sector altitudeMSGMessage
MSLMean sea level MountainMTMountain
MTUMetric unitsMTWMountain waves
MVDFMedium and very high frequency direction finding stations (at the same location)MWOMeteorological watch office
MXMixed type of ice information (white and clear)NNorth or northern latitude
NNo distinct tendency (in RVR during previ- ous 10 minutes)N/A*Not applicable
NATNot applicableNAVNavigation
NBNorthboundNBFRNot before
NCNo changeNDBNon directional radio beacon
NEGNegative or no or permission not granted or that is not correctNGTNight
NILNone or I have nothing to send to youNMNautical miles
NMLNormalNNENorth north east
NNWNorth north westNOFInternational NOTAM office
NOSIGNo significant change (used in trend-type landing forecasts)NOTAMA notice containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in anyaeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned withflight operations
NOVNovemberNPANon-precision approach Number
NRNumberNRHNo reply heard
NSNimbostratusNSCNil significant cloud
NSENavigation system errorNSWNil significant cloud Navigation system error Nil significant weather
OACOceanic area control centreOASObstacle assessment surface
OBSObserve or observed or observationOBSCObscure or obscured or obscuring
OBSTObstacleOCAObstacle clearance altitude
OCAOceanic control areaOCCOcculting (light)
OCHObstacle clearance heightOCLObstacle clearance limit
OCNLOccasional or occasionallyOCSObstacle clearance surface
OMOuter markerOPAOpaque, white type of ice formation
OPMETOperational meteorological (information)OPNOpen or opening or opened
OPROperator or operate or operative or operating or operational
OPSOperationsO/ROn request
ORDIndication of an orderOSVOcean station vessel
OTLKOutlook (used in SIGMET messages for volcanic ash and tropical cyclones)
OTPOn topOTSOrganized track system
P...Prohibited area (followed by identification)
PALSPrecision approach lighting system (specify category)
PANSProcedures for air navigation servicesPAPIPrecision approach path indicator
PARPrecision approach radarPARLParallel
PAXPassenger(s)PCDProceed or proceeding
PCNPavement classification numberPEIce pellets
PJEParachute jumping exercisePLAPractice low approach
PLNFlight planPLVLPresent level
PNPrior notice requiredPNRPoint of no return
PODust/sand whirls (dust devils)POBPersons on board
POSSPossiblePPIPlan position indicator
PPOPrior permission onlyPPRPrior permission required
PPSNPresent positionPRIPrimary
PSNPositionPSPPierced steel plank
PTSPolar track structurePWRPower
QBICompulsory IFR flight
QDMMagnetic heading (zero wind)QDRMagnetic bearing
QFEAtmospheric pressure at aerodrome eleva- tion (or at runway threshold)QFUMagnetic orientation of runway
QNHAltimeter sub-scale setting to obtain eleva- tion when on the groundQTEtrue bearing Quadrant
RRedR...Restricted area (followed by identification)
RRight (runway identification)RARain
RACRules of the air and air traffic servicesRAFCRegional area forecast centre
RAGRaggedRAGRunway arresting gear
RBRescue boatRCAReach cruising altitude
RCCRescue co-ordination centreRCFRadiocommunication failure (message type designator)
RCHReach or reachingRCLRunway centre line
RCLLRunway centre line light(s)RCLRRecleared
RDHReference datum height (for ILS)RDLRadial
RDORadioRE...Recent (used to qualify weather phenom- ena, e.g. RERA=recent rain)
RECReceive or receiverREDLRunway edge light(s)
REFReference to ... or refer to ...REGRegistration
RENLRunway end light(s)REPReport or reporting or reporting point
REQRequest or requestedRERTEReroute
RGRange (lights)RIFReclearance in flight Right (direction of turn) Report leaving
RITERight (direction of turn)RLReport leaving
RLARelay toRLCERequest level change en route
RLLSRunway lead-in lighting systemRLNARequest level not available
RMKRemarkRNAV(to be pronounced "AR_NAV") Area navigation
RNGRadio rangeRNPRequired navigation performance
ROBEXRegional OPMET bulletin exchange (scheme)ROCRate of climb
RODRate of descentROFORRoute forecast (in aeronautical meteoro- logical code)
RONReceiving onlyRPLRepetitive flight plan
RPLCReplace or replacedRPSRadar position symbol
RQPRequest flight plan (message type designator)
RQSRequest supplementary flight plan (message type designator)RQMNTSRequirements
RRReport reachingRRA(or RRB, RRC ... etc., in sequence)
Delayed meteorological message (mes-sage type designator)
RSCRescue sub-centreRSCDRunway surface condition
RSPResponder beaconRSREn-route surveillance radar
RTDDelayed (used to indicate delayed meteorological message; message type designator)RTERoute
RTHLRunway threshold light(s)RTNReturn or returned or returning
RTODAHRejected take-off distance available, heli-copter
RTSReturn to serviceRTTRadioteletypewriter
RTZLRunway touchdown zone light(s)RUTStandard regional route transmitting frequencies
RVRescue vessel
RVRRunway visual rangeRWYRunway
SSouth or southern latitude
SASandSALSSimple approach lighting system
SANSanitarySAP(As) soon as possible
SARSearch and rescueSARPSStandards and recommended practices (ICAO)
SATCOMSatellite communicationSBSouthbound
SDBYStand bySESouth-east
SECTSectorSELCALSelective calling system
SEPSeptemberSERService or servicing or served
SEVSevere (used e.g., to qualify icing and turbulence reports)
SFCSurfaceSGSnow grains
SGLSignalSH ...Shower (followed by RA=rain, SN=snow, PE=ice pellets, GR=hail, GS=small hail and/or snow pellets or combinations thereof, e.g., SHRASN=showers of rain and snow)
SHFSuper high frequency (3 000 to 30 000 MHZ)
SIDStandard instrument departureSIFSelective identification feature
SIGMETInformation concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operationsSIGWXSignificant weather
SIMULSimultaneous or simultaneouslySITA*Societe internationale telecommunication aeronautique
SIWLSingle isolated wheel loadSKCSky clear
SKEDScheduled or scheduleSLPSpeed limiting point
SLWSlowSMCSurface movement control
SMRSurface movement radarSNSnow
SPECIAviation selected special weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)SPECIALSpecial meteorological report (in abbrevi- ated plain language)
SPLSupplementary flight plan (message type designator)SPOTSpot wind
SRASurveillance radar approachSRESurveillance radar element of precision approach radar system
SRGShort rangeSRRSearch and rescue region
SSSunsetSSBSingle sideband
SSESouth south eastSSRSecondary surveillance radar
SSTSupersonic transportSSWSouth south west
STStratusSTAStraight in approach
STARStandard instrument arrivalSTDStandard
STNRStationarySTOLShort take-off and landing
STSStatusSTWLStopway light(s)
SUBJSubject toSUNSunday
SUPSupplement (AIP Supplement)SUPPSRegional supplementary procedures
SVCService messageSVCBLServiceable
SVFR*Special visual flight rulesSWSouth-west
TATransition altitudeTACANUHF tactical air navigation aid
TAFAerodrome forecastTAILTail wind
TARTerminal area surveillance radarTASTrue airspeed
TAXTaxiing or taxi
T CTropical cycloneTCUTowering cumulus
TDOTornadoTDZTouchdown zone
TECRTechnical reasonTELTelephone
TEMPOTemporary or temporarilyTENDTrend forecast
TFCTrafficTGLTouch-and-go landing
TGSTaxiing guidance systemTHRThreshold
TILUntilTIPUntil past ... (place)
TKOFTake-offTL ...Till (followed by time by which weather change is forecast to end)
TLOFTouchdown and lift-off area
TMATerminal control areaTNATurn altitude
TNHTurn heightTOTo ... (place)
TOCTop of climbTODATake-off distance available
TODAHTake-off distance available, helicopterTOPCloud top
TORATake-off run availableTPTurning point
TRTrackTRATemporary reserved airspace
TRANSTransmits or transmitterTRLTransition level
TROPTropopauseTSThunderstorm (in aerodrome reports and forecasts, TS used alone means thunder heard but no precipitation at the aerodrome) SN=snow, PE=ice pellets, GR=hail,
TS ...Thunderstorm (followed by RA=RAIN,GS=small hail and/or snow pellets or combinations thereof, e.g., TSRASN=thunderstorm with rain and snow)TUETuesday
TTTeletypewriterTVORTerminal VOR control
TWRAerodrome control tower or aerodromeTYPHTyphoon
TWYTaxiwayTYPType of aircraft
UUpward (tendency in RVR during previous 10 minutes)
UABUntil advised by ...
UACUpper area control centreUARUpper air route
UDFUltra high frequency direction-finding station
UFNUntil further noticeUHDTUnable higher due traffic
UHFUltra high frequency (300-3 000 MHZ)UICUpper information centre
UIRUpper flight information regionULRUltra long range
UNAUnableUNAPUnable to approve
U/SUnserviceableUTAUpper control area
UTCCoordinated universal time
VAVolcanic ashVACVisual approach chart
VALIn valleysVANRunway control van
VARMagnetic variationVARVisual-aural radio range
VASISVisual approach slope indicator systemVCVicinity of the aerodrome (followed by FG=fog, FC=funnel cloud, SH=showers, PO=dust/sand whirls, BLDU=blowingdust, BLSA=blowing sand or BLSN=blowing
snow, e.g., VCFG=vicinity fog)
VCYVicinityVDFVery high frequency direction-finding station
VFRVisual flight rulesVHFVery high frequency (30-300 MHZ)
VIABy way of...VIPVery important person
VISVisibilityVLFVery low frequency (3 to 30 KHz)
VLRVery long rangeVMCVisual meteorological conditions
VOLMETMeteorological information for aircraft in flight
VORVHF omnidirectional radio rangeVORTACVOR and TACAN combination
VOTVOR airborne equipment test facilityVRBVariable
VSABy visual reference to the groundVSPVertical speed
VTOLVertical take-off and landing
WWest or western longitudeWWhite
WACWorld aeronautical chart - ICAO 1:1.000.000
WAFCWorld area forecast centreWBWestbound
WBARWing bar lightsWDIWind direction indicator
WEFWith effect from or effective fromWHO*World health organization
WIEWith immediate effect or effective immediately
WILCOWill complyWINTEMForecast upper wind and temperature for aviation
WIPWork in progress
WKNWeaken or weakeningWNWWest north west
WRNGWarningWSWind shear
WSWWest south westWTWeight
XBARCrossbar (of approach lighting system)XNGCrossing
YYellowYCZYellow caution zone (runway lighting)
ZCo-ordinated universal time (in meteorological messages)
A - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z