1 | Coordonnées du point de référence (ARP) et situation | Lat. 13°20'17"N - Long. 016°39'08"W | Lat. 13°20'17"N - Long. 016°39'08"W |
ARP coordinates and location | center of RWY 14/32 ,1880m from THR RWY 14 | ||
2 |
Direction, distance de la ville
Direction, distance from city | 15Km / 8NM BRG 213° GEO FROM MACCARTHY SQUARE BANJUL | |
3 |
Altitude / température de référence
Elevation / Reference temperature | 28 M ( 93 FT ) / 34 ° C | |
Ondulation du Géoïde / Geoid undulation | 96.41 FT | ||
4 |
Déclinaison magnétique / Variation annuelle
Direction and Magnetic variation / Annual change | 7°E ( 2020 ) | |
Adresse / Address | P.O Box 285, Banjul, The Gambia | ||
Téléphone - Télex - Fax - RSFTA | Tél. +220-44 728 31 / 44 727 30 / 44 727 37 | ||
Telephone-Telex-Fax-AFTN |
E-mail :, | ||
6 |
Types de trafic autorisés (IFR/VFR)
Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR) | IFR / VFR | |
7 | Observations / Remarks |
1 |
Administration de l'Aérodrome
AD Administration | H24 | |
2 |
Douane et contrôle des personnes
Customs and Immigration | H24 | |
3 |
Santé et services sanitaires
Health and Sanitation | H24 | |
4 |
Bureau de piste AIS (BIA/BNI)
AIS Briefing Office | H24 | |
5 |
Bureau de piste ATS (ARO)
ATS Reporting Office (ARO) | H24 | |
6 |
Bureau de piste MET
MET Briefing Office | H24 | |
7 |
Service de la circulation aérienne
ATS | H24 | |
8 |
Avitaillement en carburant
Fueling | H24 | |
9 |
Services d'escale
Handling | H24 | |
10 |
Safety | H24 | |
11 |
De-icing | NIL | |
12 |
Observations /
Heure d'ouverture de l'aéroport Opening hour of the airport |
For non-scheduled operations a notice muste be received at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date of operation. For technical landings and general aviation flights, a flight plan adressed to ATC (GBYDZTZX) will suffice.
Authorization to oerate commercial flight, other than licensed services, must be obtained in all cases prior to the commencement of the flight. |
1 |
Services de manutention du fret
Cargo handling facilities | Forklift - 2, High loaders - 2, Conveyor - 4, Large and small dolly - 24. | |
2 | Types de carburants et de lubrifiants | JET A1 (JP1) / NIL | |
3 |
Services et capacité d'avitaillement
en carburant / Fuelling facilities / capacity | NIL | |
4 | Services de dégivrage / De-icing facilities | NIL | |
5 | Hangars utilisables pour les aéronefs de passage / Hangar space for visiting aircraft | NIL | |
6 | Services de réparation utilisables pour aéronefs de passage / Repair facilities for visiting aircraft | NIL | |
7 | Observations / Remarks | No oxygen available |
1 | Hôtels / Hotels | 18 - 26 Km airport | |
2 | Restaurants / Restaurants | Restaurant and four refreshment bars at Passenger Terminal, two outside restaurants and aircraft catering by prior arrangement with Niros Flight Catering Tel.:+220 5902222 | |
3 | Moyens de transport / Transportation facilities | Taxi service, bus services for large groups require prior arrangement | |
4 | Services médicaux / Medical facilities | First Aid and Ambulance. Hospitals at Banjulinding - (4KM); Bundung 11.7KM 24 mins, Tallinding (11KM);Serrekunda/Kanifing Estate 16.0KM,35 Mins MRC Bakau - (19 Km) and EFSTH Banjul - (26Km) from the airport. | |
5 |
Services bancaires et postaux
Bank and Post Office | Available | |
6 |
Services d'information touristique
Tourist office | FIDS and PA system available | |
7 | Observations / Remarks | NIL |
1 |
Catégorie de l'aérodrome pour la lutte
contre l'incendie / AD category for fire fighting |
Niveau de protection assuré :
Ensured protection level:
2 |
Equipement de sauvetage
Rescue Equipment | Adequate rescue and fire fighting vehicles, equipment and twenty seven (27) trained personnel available. No facilities for runway foaming available. | |
3 |
Moyens d'enlèvement des aéronefs accidentellement immobilisés
Capability for removal of disabled aircraft |
No facilities for runway foaming available
Hydraulic jacks, forklift available. | |
4 | Observations / Remarks | NIL |
1 |
Type d'équipements
Type of clearing equipment | NIL | |
2 |
Priorité de déneigement
Clearance priority | NIL | |
3 | Observations / Remarks | NIL |
1 |
Surface de l'aire de trafic
Apron surface |
Asphaltic concrete
| |
Résistance de l'aire de trafic
Apron strength | APRON : PCN 81/R/A/W/T | ||
2 |
Largeur des voies de circulation
TWY width | TWY : 23 M | |
Surface des voies de circulation
TWY surface |
| ||
Résistance des voies de circulation
TWY strength | TWY : PCN 72/F/A/W/T | ||
3 |
Position et altitude des emplacements de vérification des altimètres
Altimeter check location (ACL) and elevation | New Apron 97 ft AMSL | |
4 |
Emplacement des points de vérification VOR
VOR check points |
BJ 112.900 MHZ / Radial 323°
13°20'23.95"N - 016°39'05.26"W | |
5 |
Points de vérification INS
INS checkpoints |
PBY02 - 13°20'26.53"N 016°39'06.15"W - PBY03 - 13°20'28.14"N 016°39'04.69"W - PBY04 - 13°20'29.94"N 016°39'10.21"W - PBY05 - 13°20'31.73"N 016°39'08.64"W - PBY06 - 13°20'32.72"N 016°39'14.06"W - PBY07 - 13°20'33.75"N 016°39'13.07"W - PBY08 - 13°20'34.82"N 016°39'12.13"W - PBY09 - 13°20'34.96"N 016°39'16.60"W - PBY10 - 13°20'36.08"N 016°39'15.71"W - PBY11 - 13°20'37.11"N 016°39'14.72"W - | |
6 | Observations / Remarks | NIL |
1 |
Panneaux d'identification des poste de stationnement d'aéronef
Use of aircraft stands ID signs | No aircraft stand ID signs, lighted sign boards to indicate runway end | |
Lignes de guidage TWY
TWY guide lines | Yellow center line (nosewheel) guidelines on taxiways and aprons, apron parking nose guidelines | ||
Systèmes de guidage pour l'accostage des aéronefs
Visual docking/parking guidance system | NIL | ||
2 |
Balisage et feux des RWY et TWY
Marquage et balisage lumineux des pistes et des voies de circulation RWY and TWY markings and lightings |
LGT: white edge, red end-elevated, green THR-inset, VRB LIH Markings : THR, TDZ, CL, RWY designations, RWY side, Taxi HLD position stripes, TWY CL, apron parking nose guidelines RWY32 : LGT : white edge, end-elevated, green THR-inset, VRB LIH Makings : THR, TDZ, CL, RWY designations, RWY side, Taxi HLD position stripes, TWY CL, apron parking nose guidelines TWYs : yellow centerline, lighted sign boards | |
3 |
Barres d'arrêt
Stop bars | NIL | |
4 | Observations / Remarks |
ONe (1) WDI- (lighted) - south of apron
Two (2) WDI - (unlighted) -left side of both thresholds RWY14/32 |
Area |
obstacle identification or designation |
Type of Obstacle |
Coordinates |
(in Meters) |
obstacle marking, type and color of obstacle lighting |
electronic availability |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
0164009.6327W |
- M
25 M | Unmarked - Unlighted | NIL | |
Zone 2 | RWY14 CLUSTER TREES | Tree | 132052.0107N 0164006.3192W |
- M
19 M | Unmarked - Unlighted | NIL |
RWY14 MANGO TREE | Tree | 132100.6716N 0164009.0601W |
- M
14 M | Unmarked - Unlighted | NIL | |
RWY14 PALM TREE | Tree | 132105.9767N 0164016.5208W |
- M
15 M | Unmarked - Unlighted | NIL | |
RWY14 SIGNAGE | Signage | 132105.0171N 0164002.1432W |
- M
8 M | Unmarked - Unlighted | NIL | |
RWY14 SOTO TREE | Tree | 132103.1393N 0164006.7419W |
- M
17 M | Unmarked - Unlighted | NIL | |
1 |
Centre météorologique associé à l'aérodrome
Associated MET Office | Meteorological Forecast Unit / Banjul | |
2 | Heures de service / Hours of service | H24 | |
Centre météorologique responsable en dehors de ces heures
MET Office outside hours of service | NIL | ||
3 |
Centre responsable de la préparation des TAF et périodes de validité des prévisions
Office responsible for TAF preparation and period of validity | Banjul | |
(à remonter) Période de validité
Validity period | 24 Hour period | ||
4 |
Type de prévision d'atterrissage disponibles et intervalle de publication
Type of landing forecast / Interval of issuance | TREND | |
(à remonter) Périodicité
Interval of issuance | NIL | ||
5 |
Exposés verbaux / consultations assurés
Briefing / consultation provided | NIL | |
6 |
Documentation de vol
Flight documentation |
Personal consultation
Aerodrome Forecasts | |
Langue utilisée
Language used | English | ||
7 |
Cartes, autres informations
Charts, other information |
Significant weather-charts
Upper wind and Air Temperature Charts Surface and Upper air temperature Charts cloud picture charts | |
8 |
Equipement complémentaire
Supplementary equipment | PUMA and SADIS | |
9 |
Organismes ATS desservis
ATS units served | Banjul ATC | |
10 |
Informations complémentaires
Additional information | NIL |
de piste RWY NR |
VRAI et MAG True and Mag Bearing |
des RWY (M) Dimensions of RWY (M) |
Résistance (PCN) et
revêtement des RWY et SWY Strength (PCN) and surface of RWY and SWY |
Coordonnées du seuil
Threshold THR Coordinates |
Altitude du seuil et du
point le plus élevé de la TDZ THR elevation and highest elevation of TDZ of precision RWY |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
14 |
131º VRAI
138º MAG | 3600 x 45 |
Asphalt Asphalt |
016°38'22.86"W ------ GUND NIL |
TDZ : 26.82M / 88FT |
32 |
311º VRAI
318º MAG | 3600 x 45 |
Asphalt Asphalt |
016°39'53.39"W ------ GUND NIL |
TDZ : 22.56M / 74FT |
Pente de
PA (M) SWY dimensions |
des PD (M) CWY Dimensions |
Dimensions de la bande (M)
Strip Dimensions |
Zone dégagée
d'osbtacle Obstacle free zone (OFZ) |
Remarks |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
0.12 % | 120 x 60 | 750 x 150 | 3900 x 280 | NIL |
RESA : 240m x 180m
Non precision simple approach 420m from threshold |
0.12 % | 60 x 60 | 300 x 150 | 3900 x 280 | NIL |
RESA :90m x 180m
Precision approach 900m from threshold |
Désignation de la piste
(M) |
(M) |
(M) |
(M) |
Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
14 | 3600 | 4350 | 3720 | 3600 | NIL |
32 | 3600 | 3900 | 3660 | 3600 |
From Old Threshold :
TORA :2850m TODA :2910m ASDA :3000m From TWY INT new: TORA :1540m TODA :1600m ASDA :1690m |
Désignation de la
piste RWY Designator |
Type et intensité du balisage
lumineux d'approche Approach lighting type, length intensity |
Couleur des feux
de seuil et barres THR Lights colour wing bar lights WBAR |
Position/Pente Location/Slope MEHT (FT) |
Zone de
toucher des roues TDZ, LGT, length |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
14 |
| Vert / Green | NIL | NIL |
32 |
| Vert / Green | NIL | NIL |
Longueur, espacement
couleur des feux d'axe de piste RWY centre line, length, spacing, colour, intensity |
Longueur, espacement
couleur des feux de bord de piste RWY edge lights, length, spacing, colour, intensity |
Couleur des feux
d'extrémité de piste RWY end lights, LEN, spacing, colour, intensity |
Longueur, couleur
des feux de prolongement d'arrêt SWY lights length colour |
Remarks |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
NIL | 60m - Blanc / White - LIH | Rouge / Red | NIL | NIL |
NIL | 60m - Blanc / White - LIH | Rouge / Red | NIL | NIL |
1 | Emplacement, caractéristique et heures de fonctionnement des phares d'aérodrome/ d'identification / ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of operation | Abeam THR RWY 14, H24 | |
NIL | |||
2 |
Emplacement et éclairage de l'anémomètre/
Anemometer location and lighting Indicateur de sens d'atterrissage LDI location and lighting | NIL | |
NIL | |||
3 |
Feux de bord de voies de circulation et feux axiaux de voies de circulation
TWY edge and centre line lighting | Elevated blue LIL all TWYs and turning areas 1.5m outside pavement edge | |
NIL | |||
4 | Alimentation électrique auxiliaire/ délai de commutation Secondary power supply / switch-over time | Conforms with the requirements of ICAO AnneX 14, Chapter 8 | |
5 | Observations / Remarks | Floodlights on apron |
1 |
Coordonnées TLOF ou THR de la FATO
Coordinates TLOF or THR of FATO Ondulation du Géoïde / Geoid undulation | NIL | |
2 |
Altitude TLOF/FATO (M/Ft)
TLOF and FATO elevation (M/Ft) | NIL | |
3 |
TLOF + FATO : Aire, dimensions, revêtement, résistance, balisage
TLOF and FATO area dimensions, surface, strength, marking | NIL | |
NIL | |||
NIL | |||
NIL | |||
4 |
Relèvements vrai et magnétique de la FATO
True and magnetic bearing of FATO | NIL | |
5 |
Distances declarées disponibles
Declared distances available | NIL | |
6 |
Dispositif lumineux d'approche et de FATO
Approach and FATO lighting | NIL | |
NIL | |||
NIL | |||
7 | Observations / Remarks | NIL |
Designation and laterals limits | Vertical limits | Airspace classification | ATS unit call sign/Languages | Transition altitude | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Circle of radius 20 NM centered on 13°20'44.94"N - 016°39'27.21"W |
------------ AGL/AMSL | C |
Banjul Tower
English | 2500 FT | |
Radio communications shall be established with ATC prior entering CTR |
Désignation du service
Service designation |
Indicatif d'appel
Call sign |
(MHZ - KHZ) Frequency |
Heure de fonctionnement
Hours of operation |
Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
APP | BANJUL APPROACH | 121.3 MHz | H24 | / Primary |
TWR | BANJUL TOWER | 118.3 MHz | H24 | NIL |
TWR | BANJUL TOWER | 121.5 MHz | H24 | / Emergency |
SMC | BANJUL TOWER | 146.875 MHz | H24 | / Domestic |
Name of station Magnetic Variation | ID | Frequency | Hours of Operation | Coordinates | Antenna elevation | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
DVOR/DME ( 9°W ( 2020 ) ) | BJ |
Ch 76X | H24 | 13°20'17.16"N 016°39'19.84"W |
(120FT) |
321°/141° Magnetic Range 200NM |
ILS/LOC 32 CAT. I () | IYM | 109.5 MHz | H24 | 13°21'02"N 016°40'02"W | NIL |
1. | Airport Regulations |
Banjul International Airport is normally restricted to aircraft capable of maintaining two way radio communications with ATC Banjul. Exceptions may be granted by the Airport Authority. Aircraft with radio failure are expected to operate as stated in the following para- graphs. | |
2. | Apron Handling |
Operators are responsible for ensuring the fol- lowing requirements:
| |
3. | Taxiing to and from Stands |
See Aerodrome and Parking Chart. | |
4. | Parking Area for Small Aircraft (General Aviation) |
See Aerodrome and Parking Chart. | |
5. | Parking Area for Helicopters |
The parking area for helicopters is the General aviation apron. | |
6. | Apron - Taxiing during Winter Conditions |
Not applicable. | |
7. | Taxiing Limitations |
Nil | |
8. | School and Training Flights - Technical Test Flights - Use of Runways |
Nil | |
9. | Helicopter Traffic - Limitations |
Nil | |
10. | Removal of Disabled Aircraft from Runways |
Nil |
Nil |
AERODROME CHART - ICAO | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - RNP PBN RWY 14 | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - RNP PBN RWY 32 | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - ILS Z RWY 32 | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - ILS Y RWY 32 | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - ILS X RWY 32 | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - VOR Z RWY 14 | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - VOR Z RWY 32 | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - VOR Y RWY 14 | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART - ICAO - VOR Y RWY 32 | ............................. | |
AERODROME OBSTACLES CHART - ICAO | ............................. | |
VISUAL APPROACH CHART - ICAO | ............................. | |
INSTRUMENT LANDING CHART - GCAA | ............................. | |
VISUAL LANDING CHART - GCAA | ............................. |